World Class Private Tutoring
One-on-One Tutoring, Group Classes, and Ivy Admissions Strategy

My new book, Invitation to the Ivies, is now available here.
Vohra Method can help you…
Get 1500+ SAT scores (or 33+ ACT scores).
Create winning Ivy applications and admission essays.
Get ahead academically (or catch up academically).
I’m Arvin Vohra, founder of Vohra Method. I’ve helped students become valedictorians and win other prestigious awards, including the top awards in their schools and various national awards. I’ve also helped students get into Ivies, other highly selective colleges, and combined medical programs.
I’ve also helped D students become A students, helped struggling students overcome deeply ingrained academic phobias, and helped students develop the confidence in themselves that helped them succeed academically.
I offer tutoring in almost every subject and standardized test (basically everything other than foreign languages). I also offer group classes in selected subjects, including SAT, ACT, and PSAT training. I work with advanced students, struggling students, and everyone in between. I also work with a range of ages, with my younger students in elementary school and my older students in graduate school.
Since 2001, I have helped students find their passions, build their confidence, and hone their abilities. My students have become valedictorians and Ivy leaguers, and gone on to become entrepreneurs, tech innovators, hedge fund founders, elite physicians, award winning science researchers, authors, influential journalists, formidable attorneys, and even pioneering educators. I see secondary education as more than just a stepping stone; it is where ambition, strength of character, and persistence are built, leading to adults that succeed on their own terms and inspire others to do the same.

About Me
I’ve had a passion for tutoring since I was about 10 years old, helping my classmates understand math problems. Today, I’m even more passionate about tutoring.
I had my first tutoring internship when I was 13, and by the time I was 22, tutoring was my full time job. I’ve helped students with nearly every type of course and standardized test.
I understand the mindset of highly competitive students. In high school, I was a National Merit Finalist, with the highest SAT and PSAT scores in my graduating class (790 M, 790 V). I also got scores of 5 on ten different AP exams. For six of those exams, I didn’t even take the corresponding AP course, and instead relied on intensive independent study.
I learned algebra in a few weeks and skipped a grade in math. I took my first college course at age 13. After I graduated from Brown University with a B.Sc. in Math (at the normal age), I earned perfect scores on both the GRE and the GMAT, finishing each test will well over an hour to spare. I also even passed two actuarial exams in the same week long testing period.
But I also know what it feels like to struggle. For years, I struggled with public speaking and interviews. I eventually overcame that hurdle, and now help students with public speaking, college interviews, and job interviews. In fact, I’ve even struggled with math; when I was getting my math degree from Brown, the classes eventually got so hard that I was bewildered more often than not. I can empathize completely with students who have no idea what’s happening in their math classes, and I can help guide them to real understanding and mastery.
I’ve also found other ways to share my passion for education. My first book, The Equation for Excellence, was published in the U.S. and China, and even featured on Channel 9 (CBS) News. My most recent book, Invitation to the Ivies, has been featured on major morning shows, national news shows, education blogs, radio shows, and various news aggregators including Yahoo! News. I’ve spoken around the country about education, including at conventions run by (friendly) competitors.
But for me, nothing beats tutoring. There’s nothing quite like helping an individual student start to see patterns, make connections, finally understand a topic that used to terrify them, develop confidence that they never dreamed of having, and fall in love with excellence.
I’ll admit that it’s exciting to be on national TV, talking about Ivy admissions strategy, the SAT, or math. And it’s fun to delve into subtle ideas about education on longer podcasts. But none of that compares to the humbling magic of one-on-one education, in which students discover the greatness within themselves and learn that they can excel on their own terms.
Rates: $300 per hour
Below, I discuss Invitation to the Ivies with Good Day Chicago’s Terrence Lee:
Subjects & Ages
Many new clients find it surprising that I teach every subject and standardized test. I’m just as happy to teach AP Calculus as to teach introductory grammar.
Many ask if I’m more a math/science tutor, more an SAT tutor, or more a college strategy tutor. The assumption is that I must have more subject matter expertise in one area than another.
But I’m not a subject matter expert. There are a million people who know more chemistry, more geography, more math, or more history than I do. I’m a learning expert. I know how to help students recognize patterns, build permanent memory, permanently master skills, and develop problem solving abilities. I do that just as readily in math as in grammar.
I teach everything from public speaking to SAT math. Most of my students do multiple subjects with me.
Here are a few of my offerings. This list is not exhaustive. If you need help with any class, standardized test, or skill, I can probably help.
Ivy Admissions Strategy
Math, from counting to calculus.
English, from elementary to college level.
History, from elementary to college level.
Biology, Physics, and Chemistry, up through the AP/IB/College level
Writing, including analytical writing for school, creative writing, and college essay writing.
Weird and Unusual Classes
Public Speaking and Interview Training
I work with students of all ages, but most of my students are 8-18. To work with me, students need to be able to use a computer.
Many parents of much younger students also do consultations with me. In these consultations, I provide strategic guidance for parents looking to give their children an extra advantage in a highly competitive world. The focus is usually on Ivy admissions strategy, math concept development, or reading skill development.
A Few Types of Tutoring that I Offer
“Normal” Tutoring
Need help with a class? I can help you catch up, get ahead, and excel in almost any class. The most common subjects include calculus, geometry, physics, chemistry, and writing, but I teach every subject aside from foreign languages.
It may seem excessive to me help a student with elementary school math or middle school reading. But those humble courses are actually much more important than the fancy courses like AP Calculus. When I work with a student on fundamentals, I do so in a way that paves the way for continued excellence in advanced classes. I make sure the fundamentals are learned in a permanent way, and that the student has mastered them well enough to use them flexibly in new situations.
In fact, when I’m working with students in advanced classes, we often spend most of the first several sessions working on fundamentals! Those seemingly small topics are necessary for the big ones!
2. Competitive Tutoring
This is what 90% of my students do. Competitive tutoring is about dominating your school classes, getting 1500+ SAT scores, and getting into Ivy League colleges.
Here are a few examples of Competitive Tutoring:
Ivy Admissions Strategy
Harvard Admissions (Getting into Harvard is a bit different from getting into other Ivies)
Getting into Honors Math Classes
Getting the highest grades in your school
Private School Admissions
AP Tutoring (for both AP Classes and AP Exams)
3. Exceptional Tutoring
Exceptional tutoring takes competitive tutoring to the next level. Here are a few examples:
AP Integrated Humanities (This program prepares students to take all 8 AP English and History Exams)
Winning awards at school
Winning National Awards
AP Calculus in 9th grade.
Brown’s PLME Admissions (Brown’s PLME program is the premiere combined medical program in the US. It admits 98 students per year–less than 2 per state! In comparison, Harvard admits 2000 people per year, several hundred of whom are pre med.)
Winning national scholarship or essay contests.
4. Enrichment Tutoring
Enrichment tutoring takes things in a totally different direction. Enrichment tutoring helps students explore their passions deeply with skilled guidance. Enrichment tutoring is not about winning a competition; it’s purely about learning skills, exploring passions, and developing mastery on your own terms.
Enrichment tutoring can include anything from rap music to game theory. If you want to write a novel, make an album, make an interactive documentary, or explore your own passion with rigorous guidance, consider Enrichment Tutoring.
The most popular Enrichment Tutoring options are public speaking and speed reading.
Below is my very first interview. It was about my book, The Equation for Excellence.
SAT, ACT, & PSAT Training at Vohra Method
Since 2001, I have successfully guided students through three different versions of the SAT, helping students achieve top 1% scores. I work with students of all starting levels.
My approach differs from nearly every other SAT prep course and tutor. I teach direct solutions to the hardest problems, rather than gimmicks and inefficient workarounds. I don’t teach unreliable, guessing-based methods. Instead, I help students master the underlying concepts and skills and learn to confidently, efficiently, and quickly solve the toughest math and verbal problems on the SAT. That involves:
Fixing underlying knowledge gaps.
Teaching efficient problem solving techniques.
Teaching advanced topics and methods not covered in any high school classes, including advanced classes at magnet and private schools.
Not surprisingly, the new, adaptive, digital SAT is my favorite so far. This test relentlessly works to figure out what a student actually knows. It is comparatively impervious to guessing-based approaches and inefficient workarounds. Vohra Method students who master concepts instead of relying on guessing have a huge advantage for this type of test.
I offer private tutoring and intensive group classes for the SAT.
In addition to intensively building problem solving skills, I also provide a wealth of practical test-taking tips to help our students do their absolute best during the exam.
Below, you can see an example of the types of elegant, fast, reliable solutions I teach at Vohra Method:
SAT, PSAT & ACT: Private Tutoring
I offer two types of SAT training: regular SAT training and Perfect Score SAT Training.
Regular SAT training is designed to help people get comfortable with the SAT and improve their scores. It involves working on fundamentals, practicing questions, and reviewing practice tests. If you’re looking to get into a mid-range college, this type of training may be for you.
Perfect Score SAT training is a completely different type of training. First, it’s designed for students who are trying to get into Ivies, other highly competitive colleges, or combined medical programs.
More importantly, the training style is much more intensive. I examine every cognitive step you do in order to find ways to improve it. It’s a lot like what happens in professional sports, when coaches videotape athletes doing some action, play it back frame by frame, and develop a way to improve it.
Vohra Method Perfect Score Verbal Training is particularly intensive. In addition to using SAT passages, we train with much harder passages, including passages from the GRE and the LSAT. Students learn to master analytical reading at a level far beyond what an English class at school or a standard SAT prep class allows.
Through this process, your math fundamentals, verbal fundamentals, and creative problem solving skills dramatically improve. This training not only improves your SAT score, but it also improves your performance in school. You get better at math and better at reading. Your grades will also likely improve.
This program is built around the needs and preferences of highly competitive, motivated, and ambitious students. It is designed to achieve perfect scores. Nearly everyone who completes this training gets above 1500, and a few get perfect scores.
This is no ordinary training program. It looks and functions differently from any other SAT training program that I know of.
Perfect Score SAT training can be done in both private tutoring and group classes.
SAT Private Tutoring FAQ
Q: How long does it take?
A: The median is around 25 hours of tutoring or 200 hours of group class. Since both programs are highly individualized, there are students who need less time as well as students who need more time.
Q: Is there a score guarantee?
A: The group class has a 1500+ score guarantee. My tutoring program does not, due to the flexible nature of tutoring. In group classes, there is a universal checklist that every student must complete. In tutoring, the program is completely customized, and the customization continues throughout.
That said, tutoring results are, on average, higher than group class results.
Q: Can I start with regular SAT tutoring and move to Perfect Score SAT Tutoring?
A: Yes! This is quite common.
Q: Can I start with Perfect Score SAT Tutoring and then switch to regular SAT tutoring?
A: Yes. However, no student has ever requested that in the history of the program.
Q: Do I need a minimum starting score to do Perfect Score SAT Training?
A: No. Whether your starting score is a 900 or a 1500, this is going to be a major, transformative improvement in your abilities.
Generally, students who start with higher scores need less time to master these skills. But this isn’t always the case. I’ve had students who started with 1400 scores who needed major work to reach the top level. I’ve also had student who started with scores below 1000 who didn’t need as much work as one would expect.
Q: Can you help me decide what program is right for me/my child?
A: Yes. I do that during the free initial consultation. You can book that here.
SAT & PSAT Group Classes
Imagine the gymnastics centers that have birthday parties for little kids. Now imagine the gyms where the Olympic gymnastics team trains.
Most SAT classes are like the little kid birthday party gyms. Vohra Method group classes are like the Olympic gyms. These are the most intense group classes anywhere.
Vohra Method group classes don’t mess around with half-measures and wishful thinking. These aren’t 6 week prep courses. These are year-long, intensive training programs in which students meet for 4 hours per week. They are designed for the most ambitious students looking for the highest possible scores. In fact, my group classes have an SAT score guarantee of 1500+ (33+ ACT). The guarantee is that if you complete the required training but don’t get a 1500+ score, you get an additional year of group class training for free.
The level of training is intense. For example, in addition to SAT passages, our reading program also uses GRE and LSAT passages. The math program focuses on the hardest SAT problems. And our grammar program is the most thorough, intensive, grammar program you’ll find anywhere.
Our group classes have tutoring in their DNA. They are highly individualized, allowing me to target each individual student’s needs. For example, if a student struggles with fractions, I can have just that student work on fractions without affecting any other student.
You won’t hear me telling students to skip hard questions. You won’t see me teaching inefficient, unreliable gimmicks like “plug-in” or “backsolve.” I teach only direct, efficient solutions to the hardest questions. My students learn to solve hard math questions with algebra, not by guessing numbers. They learn to answer reading questions through textual analysis, not process of elimination.
Other Group Classes
In addition to SAT/ACT/PSAT group classes, I also offer “get-ahead” and “preview” classes in many other subjects, including algebra, calculus, biology, chemistry, and physics. These classes are done in advance. So if you’re taking Physics in September, you would do the physics training from June-August (or earlier).
It’s similar to an Asian “cram school,” but with heavy individualization and much less stress.
Below are some fun cartoons that show the difference between intensively individualized Vohra Method classes and “regular” classes:
This short documentary comes from the early days of the Vohra Method group classes. At this time, they were in person. Today, our live, online classes take individualization and engagement to the next level.
Q: I have a limited budget. If I do only one program with you, what should it be?
A: Ivy admissions strategy, no question. My insights into Ivy admissions go far beyond what others in the field have even imagined, and my decades of experience can help you make the most of those insights.
Q: I am nervous about the quality of education done online. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the online education was terrible.
A: The Zoom classes during Covid were terrible. That’s not because Zoom is terrible, but because many teachers used it in the most bizarrely incompetent way possible. For example, they ran classes in which student cameras and microphones were off. In other words, students were completely unmonitored. That level of irresponsibility and foolishness obviously backfired.
My decades of experience in online tutoring help me to provide a world-class, immersive tutoring experience.
Q: Do you have minimums?
A: No. I don’t believe in creating contracts that rope people into anything. The only thing that should keep someone coming back for more tutoring is the quality of the tutoring, not a binding contract.
Q: What is the advantage of learning material in advance, over the summer? Don’t students just forget it?
A: I’ve worked with a lot of valedictorians, and I’ve worked with a lot of remedial students. They both do classes over the summer. Valedictorians preview next year’s material; remedial students review last year’s material. The amount of work is the same. There is almost nothing you can do that is as helpful as training in advance.
That isn’t just limited to math and science courses. My summer writing tutorials give students huge advantages and greater confidence in their English classes.
My approach is specifically designed for permanent retention. I use a variety of methods to ensure that all critical skills and information are stored in each student’s permanent, long-term memory.
Schedule Your Free Consultation Today!
Book your appointment below. The student must attend the first consultation.
Your child will need his or her laptop or desktop computer for the consultation.
Free Initial Consultation with Arvin
To learn about my programs, book your free consultation below.